
A retinol product that anyone can use… Societe Clinical SkinCare Refinishing PLUS Complex

Societe Clinical Refinishing Complex Plus.

Societe Clinical Refinishing Complex Plus.

Société Clinical Skincare has a philosophy that I love in a skin care brand. They believe it is nearly impossible to achieve the best—and healthiest—results using only science, and you can’t do it all with nature either. 

Why? Because science can provide good outcomes, but it can also cause irritation, inflammation and sometimes long-term damage/risks (e.g. pharmaceutical-grade Vitamin A and Hydroquinone). Natural ingredients can provide results, however the outcome is often mediocre and rather cost prohibitive. So Société Clinical Skincare harnesses the most active natural ingredients and pairs them with the most current technological and scientific advancements. 

Utilizing the best of both worlds results in more desired and beneficial outcome for the skin, and also avoids the side effects of a one-dimensional approach.

On that note, most of us know by now that Vitamin A is (retinol) considered the ‘gold standard’ of anti-ageing skin treatments. But, those of us who have tried Vitamin A products, may also know that it can be finicky. A good, strong product (enough to produce desired anti-ageing effects on the skin) has to be introduced to the skin care regimen slowly in an effort to thwart unwanted and unattractive side effects such as breakouts, dryness, flaky skin and red patches. It can be a little nerve-wracking trying a new retinol product.

In an effort to solve this issue, Société Clinical Skincare has launched Refinishing Plus Complex $130, which has a patent pending delivery system designed to aid in skin retexturing using vital Amino Acids, two forms of Vitamin A (Retinol), three Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Vitamin E and a Beta Hydroxy Acid. Better still, the addition of their Pigment Regulating Technology (PRT) helps to regulate melanin production to provide enhanced benefits for the skin.

I met with the formulator of Société Clinical Skincare products who put my mind at ease about using this product as I am a little wary about both retinol and AHAs due to bad past experiences. I was assured that the AHAs are there to enhance penetration of retinol and minimise the dryness and flakiness associated with introducing a retinol product to your routine, as opposed to stripping the skin. I was also advised to start slowly, using it twice a week for a couple of weeks and then building up by adding another day over time. But in actual fact, this product is so gentle it is recommended for all skin types – even sensitive. It is used in the evening with one pump spread evenly over the entire face. Of course in the morning, you must use an SPF 30 sunscreen application to protect the skin.

The verdict? In a word: wow. It makes a dramatic difference to the texture of your skin overnight – in other words, I woke to ‘baby’s bottom’ soft, smooth skin, but with absolutely NO irritation whatsoever. It actually seemed to diminish existing irritation and that was a pleasant surprise. Over a few weeks of trialling this product, my skin looks more even toned and fine lines have softened. As far as introducing a retinol product to your anti-ageing routine, I cannot pick a flaw in this product. It’s one of the best I have ever used. So if you’ve been nervous about trying retinol, I highly recommend you give Société Clinical Skincare Refinishing Plus Complex a shot.

For stockists call: 0800 238 754.

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